Susan T Rodriguez | Architecture · Design was founded in 2017, combining more than thirty years of design leadership with a passionate belief in the power of architecture to affect change and improve the quality of life for all. The studio builds upon an award-winning body of work recognized internationally for design excellence and contributing to the vitality of cities, landscapes and the communities and institutions it serves. Central to the practice is an emphasis on addressing pressing issues in contemporary society through design that promotes the wellbeing of communities and the long-term sustainability of the environment.  

Designing at the intersection of architecture and the public realm, the studio distills the essence of cultures and communities through work that ranges in scale and type, from interventions in historic precincts to new large-scale monumental buildings. To each project, STR | A·D brings an attitude about design that connects people to place and to each other through an architecture of interpretation. The work is inspired by the confluence of history, site, program and the relationship of interior and exterior space. Whether rural landscape, campus setting or a dense urban context, STR | A·D seeks to create an architecture that is fused with its surroundings and the natural world.

The studio’s research-based process is driven by a shared curiosity to explore and synthesize the unique array of issues and systems that surround a project. Weaving together context, structure, materials, textures, space, light and color, the studio collaborates to create formally resonant and meticulously detailed buildings that forge lasting connections to their sites. Underscoring the delicate balance between architecture and the environment, STR | A·D’s body of work is a model for the application of sustainable design principles and the creation of buildings that stand the test of time.

I’ve always been amazed that we, as architects, compete for such a small body of work, while so much of the world is left un-designed. I’m interested in how that can change.”  Susan Rodriguez

Susan Rodriguez leads the studio in collaboration with a core team of architects and designers in a light filled space in the heart of New York City’s Chelsea Gallery district, a block from the High Line. Her work focuses upon the design of buildings for cultural, educational, scientific and governmental institutions. In 2016, she was honored by Architectural Record with the Women in Architecture Design Leader Award for the breadth and impact of her built work over the last three decades. She has also received numerous awards for design excellence, among them, National AIA Honor Awards, New York State AIA Awards, New York City AIA Awards and American Architecture Awards from the Chicago Athenaeum.  Prior to starting an independent practice, she was a founding partner and design principal at Ennead Architects (formerly Polshek Partnership) recipients of the NYC AIA Medal of Honor, the AIA National Architecture Firm Award and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award.

 As an extension of her professional work, Ms. Rodriguez actively promotes the importance of design in the public realm. She has been a longtime board member of the Architectural League of New York and one of the founding board members of Art Works Projects: Art + Design for Human Rights. She is also active in the educational and academic realm where she lectures frequently on her work and has taught numerous design studios at Cornell, Columbia, and City College. She has served on the board of the Collegiate School and is a current trustee of the Chewonki Foundation. Ms. Rodriguez received a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Cornell University’s College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, where she has been an active member and past co-chair of the Dean’s Advisory Council and a former trustee of the University. She received a master’s degree in Architecture from Columbia University and is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects.
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Sonia Flamberg   •   Lucy Flieger   •   Mikhail Grinwald   •   Aoife Henchy

Joshua Homer   •   Amy Maresko   •   Colin Matthews   •   George Switzer